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A Proven and successful process to achieve your goals

Practical Solutions to Simplify Your Success

Improve your Health and Physical Freedom Without all the Confusion


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Bronson’s F2 Method, outlined in this book, is a testament to the power of individualized approaches to health. It’s not about following a one-size-fits-all plan but about finding what works for you. This book is a critical thinking tool for your health journey, empowering you to make informed decisions based on your unique needs and goals.

Dr. Philip Ovadia

Author of Stay Off My Operating Table

People don’t need more “hacks” or shortcuts; they need lasting tools to help them regain control of their health. This book offers practical methods that will serve you for life, and help you get a leg up on both your physical and mental health.
Brett Bartholomew

Author of Conscious Coaching and Founder of ArtOfCoaching.com

Body Confident: Unlock the Secret to Strength, Independence, and Lifelong Badassery Using the F2 Method” by Bronson Dant is more than a book; it’s a personal journey shared with a friend who knows the ropes. Bronson masterfully intertwines the F2 Method’s core principles—mindset, fitness, and nutrition—into a holistic approach that goes beyond physical aesthetics. This guide will help you forge a new connection with your body, leading to a life of confidence and vitality. Bronson’s authentic voice and personal anecdotes lend a unique intimacy to the narrative, making each lesson feel like a shared experience. “Body Confident” is not just about achieving physical goals but about embarking on a path of self-discovery and resilience, with Bronson as your trusted companion and coach. It’s a great testament to living a life where strength, independence, and badassery are not just high aspirations but the foundation of your being.

Chris Cooper

Author of Help First and Two Brain Business

Personal mental health and well-being is defined by daily rituals that require effort and time up front, with the unconditional and incremental reward of self-affirmation, self-confidence, self-esteem and self respect on the back end. In his book “Body Confident” Bronson Dant explores the close relationship an, earned, physically aesthetic body shares with mental health confidence that is palpable and visible without needing to be spoken. Bronson shares his own journey and how that personal transformation governs his client mentorship in their training toward mind-body confidence. This is a must read book for people in recovery as well as for those who define themselves by the quiet state of being body confident.

Dr. Robert Cywes

MD, PhD Metabolic Health Specialist

I love how Bronson breaks things down into actionable steps to improve your quality of life using the F2 Method. He guides you step by step, making changes that can really impact your life and health. The F2 Method lays out the foundations of individual success, similar to the approach I teach in my coaching programs. It’s exciting to see such a practical guide being made available for everyone to follow their path, empowering people to take control of their health and wellness in a way that works best for them.

Maria Emmerich

Author of Keto The Complete Guide to Success on the Keto Diet

One of the biggest mistakes people make when they begin a journey to improve their health is that they don’t get in the right mindset before they start making changes; they don’t truly understand why they are doing what they are doing and what their goals are. Due to this, unfortunately, many people fall off the wagon. If you want to avoid that trend, read this book. Every person looking to sustainably change their diet and exercise habits should read this book before doing anything else.

Dr. Stephen Hussey

Author of Understanding the Heart

Bronson is an industry disrupter whose message has helped many people cut through the noise in the health, fitness, and wellness space. With Body Confident, he is making an impact at the next level. Bronson brings clarity and simplifies the process of finding your path to success. The methods detailed in this book remove distractions and offer a unique way for each person to move forward. If you’re ready to get fit, feel your best, and thrive, you can’t read this book fast enough.

Casey Ruff

Host of Boundless Body Radio

the classic I want You poster with custom wording

Help me change people’s lives

I’ve spent almost two years planning, writing, and preparing Body Confident, which has the potential to change the game for thousands of people worldwide. There’s only one thing I know of that can make the difference between just a handful of people getting this book in their hands and a massive tsunami of life-changing experiences for as many people as possible!


I’m looking for motivated individuals who want to join a team focused on making as big of an impact on people’s health as humanly possible.

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